We provide a personalized mental care functionwith an accurate brainwave analysis in real-time anda customized stimulation.
"I used it for more than a week and I’m not sure if it’s good for sleep yet. but what’s clear is that it CLAMS me DOWN. I think mindcare is better than others because it shows me
the score."
"I usually toss and turn for more than an hour with insomnia. I've been using it for about two months and it's been satisfactory." (I hope everyone who suffers from sleep tries
it.) It makes a wonderfully good night's sleep."
CHOI **** JU
"The sound is natural, so I fall asleep when I listen to it. I sometimes wake up in the middle, so I didn't feel refreshed in the morning, but I feel like it's getting better
after using it, so I'm going to keep using it."
"I usually use meditation mode in the morning... I'm not sure if it's brainwave measurement, but it actually calms me down... Umm for night, I listen to it for about 10 minutes
before sleeping, but it seems to help me sleep even if it's a little cumbersome… Anyway, thank you for making me an amazing device."
KIM **** AH
"Usually I take a 20-minute nap after lunch, it makes me feel at peace definitely and seems to be a psychological stability effect. I've been using it for about a month now, and
my stress score has definitely gone down a lot."
We confirmed the effect of reducing a stress andimproving a sleep quality by the clinical trialswith sleep center of hospitals.
Stress-Reducing Effect
Calm down your excited mind and manage your circadian rhythm to increase efficiency.
- Case of General Rest -
- Case of Mindcare Rest -
* Equal to the effect of Sleepio and SHUTi (Somryst ⓡ, Pear Therapeutics, USA), which are representative digital insomnia cognitive behavioral therapies.
Sleep-Improving Effect
Put to sleep quickly, get to sleep well, and don't wake up on the way.
- Sleep Latency -
- Wakefulness After Sleep Onset -
The provision of Dynamic Binaural Beat sound sources is expected to contribute to improving sleep for the general public suffering from mild sleep symptoms by reducing the sleep latency
and improving the sleep structure. Especially the effect of sleep latency improment is equal to the effect of Sleepio and SHUTi (Somryst ⓡ, Pear Therapeutics, USA), which are
representative digital insomnia cognitive behavioral therapies. - Dr. CH.Yoon (Head of Sleep-center @ SNU Hospital )
Clinical research survey of brid.zzz users 50 people,Anxiety improved by 44% for 29 people,and the severity of insomnia improved by 32% for 36 people.
0~4 : Minimal Anxiety
5~9 : Mild Anx iety
10~14 : Moderate Anxiety
15~21 : Severe Anxiety
GAD-7 Anxiety test*
* Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders Patient Health Questionnaire (PRIME-MD-PHQ)
0~7 : No Clinically Significant Insomnia
8~14 : Subthreshold Insomnia
15~21 : Clinical Insomnia
22~28 : Clinical Insomnia
Insomnia Severity Index*
* Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders Patient Health Questionnaire (PRIME-MD-PHQ)
Sleep Index Algorithm
Presenting the most ideal sleeping pattern
"Sleep Index" is a self-developed algorithm by brid.zzz that applies the Hidden Makov Model and analyzes the similarity of sleep data at different times. It offers the
most ideal sleeping pattern for each user by linking and learning the fluctuations like the user's life data, sleep environment, habits, etc.
Adaptive Stimulus Algorithm
Inducing sleep stage changes with real time stimulation
Adaptive Stimulus algorithm continuously monitors the users. It stimulates in real time to effectively induce the sleep stages required—to fall asleep easily, transition from
light to deep sleep state, and even wake up naturally.
Dynamic Binaural Beat
Improves sleep stage with variable frequency of binaural beats
Dynamic Binaural beat is a resonance technology that synchronizes brainwaves with different frequencies of signals heard in the left and right ear. The brainwaves from each sleep
stage are artificially generated at the right time, inducing the user to reach the sleep stage that he or she needs.
EEG Sensor for Detection
Monitor your sleep with accuracy even at home
When you wear the earbuds, the device will directly measure the brainwaves with the single channel EEG sensor. You can now easily monitor your sleep at home using the wearable
earbuds, which automatically measure and analyze the sleep stage with accuracy.
Sleep evaluation method through comparison of sleep structure
We provide measurement sensors and stimulation methodsfor applying "mental routine" to various types ofproduct and service.
Our mission
We will be an unique company that can provides
mental health care solutions for each TPO by
developing effective Neuro-feedback stimulation technology.
Sleepwave is an AI platform company that improves the quality of life by managing mental health through scientific methods, brought together by people who made mobile devices at LG Electronics and planners who carried out open innovation.
We've developed a brainwave measurement accuracy and DBB training effectiveness in 5 large hospitals and 150 ordinary people and confirmed the accuracy by comparing them with the Polysomnography test of 7,700 people. expecially we verified the effectiveness & personalization algorithm of sleep management through closed beta tests on 1,000 people from October 2022. and then it compiled them and launched 'brid.zzz' in September 2023
Now we’re extending our proven solutions in sleep-care to the entire mental-care area of circadian rhythms by adding sensors and upgrading algorithms, and we plan to scale-up the market with open partnerships.